Wednesday 3 December 2008


I've given up completely.
I have been bidding on ebay for the last 3 days only to loose 3 sets of tickets to see mystery jets(&kooks) tonight.
I'm not even happy with anything right now.
I have so much work to do.
not going to go photography tonight, fuck it.
I swear people are purposely making me feel worse.
All I wanted to do was print my personal statement so I can sort it out right
and some dickhead is using the only working printer to print 439 pages....


hating life
want everyone to FUCK OFF.

Thursday 20 November 2008

I havent thought of a title

I've tried writing this by explaining everything… it didn’t work. Most of this cant be explained. Like I should hate you and part of me does after everyone telling me I should. But most of me just misses.

I think this is a failed shot/protest/plead/blahblah whatever. Everything else is so public, this should be public too. Seems like we can’t talk to each other unless it’s over a fucking blog. You wont look at this, so I'll have to tell you to. But then you still might not, or you will and then just ignore it. Please don’t do that ... I might actually vomit.

I want us to be okay again. I was worried that if you saw me on Saturday you'd abuse me. I thought it'd be best if you'd ignore me. Just both of us pretend the other doesn’t exist. That’s what we did, but that felt so wrong, i felt so ill. Amy can tell you how fucked up I was that day/night and early hours of the next morning. (Btw, I told Amy not to like stop talking to you when I got there cos I don’t want anyone taking sides cos of me. This is only to do with you and me. cos I think amber is not talking to me, that sucks. But yeah sorry if it came across like that on Saturday)

I don’t know how this will work. I don’t have any feelings for you anymore so things wont get complicated and fucked like before, I don’t want either of us wrapping the other one around our little finger like before. I don’t want to feel any hate with us anymore. I'm really good at not caring, not being angry. I'm good at apologising my arse off and obviously embarrassing myself ! So getting back to being normal people should be so easy.

I don’t even want to talk about this shit anymore. I know we can’t pretend it didn’t happen, but could we ignore all this instead of ignoring each other ?

I want to be your mate again. Purely mates!
Prepare yourself for the gayest thing I’ve ever said:
"There feels like there’s a massive gap in my life now. I miss our telly nights. I miss 'taxi driver u r fuk, Gem u r reli gud.' I miss how nice you actually are, you phoning me almost everyday when I was in Leysdown, I was so thankful. I miss telling you everything that’s happened to me. I want to tell you all about the uni I'm hoping to be at this time next year. I want to tell you about the significance of the phrase 'I shot John Lennon'. I want to tell you all about Saturday night with Amy haa!!! I want to tell you that I don’t eat meat anymore and its going so so good, and say thank you for making me eat that veggie burger at your house. I want to tell you about all the things that make me go 'Ahh I should really tell R- oh shit'. Most of all I want to hear about everything that’s happened with you. Basically.

The best memory I have f us was the morning after I stayed at yours. Not because I was lying in bed with you, I don’t want that anymore. It was because we had such a good chat, about all the small insignificant things. We were literally at that point such good mates. That’s what I miss. You can say it was all fake but the conversations we had weren’t at all and that’s the only thing I want back. I hope that this gets through to you SO BAD.

Being gay is over. I'll regret this after I come down from the buzz of my 6th coffee. SO JUST SAY ANYTHING. (Abuse seems better than being ignored right now)

p.s. well done for passing your test. Nice car !

Monday 3 November 2008

Nothing to do

I'm at sixth form, putting off work watching videos and I just have one thing to share.

0:55... does alfie spit.... ? errrr

Looking at Jack just makes me laugh, over and over and over and haaaaaa.

oh p.s. wtffffff

okay another video.
orgasm on stage for like the last minute haaa

and new song! its mental how good these are.

If you throw a bottle at Josh, you fucking get told HAAAAA

Wednesday 29 October 2008

My days are filled

The uni list currently stands at:
London fashon college ?

Start work in Debenhams soon. So far my hours are 10 - 7 on Saturdays. When I start, gonna need some company on lunch break pwease.

Just got back from Kew gardens, most beautiful place i've ever been. serious.

Halloween party tomorrow night. I am Peter Pan. Forever.

Goodnight !

Wednesday 1 October 2008

This is me !

bed, yugo, youtube, pwpwpw♥, ben&jerrys, wine, my dog, my sister, trees, Huve, rats, chinatown, az your van broken?!, world ending, mouthwash, fancy goods, coffee, lesser panda, quiet, crazyshambles, nick's pure desire to help, I spy with my little eye, blyk, guestlists, babeh, happy songs, parks in the sun, starbucks, Hoodia, asda, thanks o2, size zero, reading everything, Topher's 'life size' scale explanation of world war two, spearology, truuuuuuth, being a bit married, lolcats, this is canterbury, 2am texts, 3am phone calls, o hai, blog fights, hand gestures, Robyn generally, 5ft4, tall guys:), single pringle 4evz and having zero feelings.

(I'll always add more!)

Tuesday 23 September 2008


so today, I came online to see someone rudely link me to an awful blog ful of loads of bullshit all about me. At first yes yes yes I was so upset, felt ill that someone I thought had a heart could write utter shit about someone they'd once called a genuine friend. Now I could be an utter bitch and write so much about them to make them just as upset as I was, but that would bring me down to their level. That is something I don't want to be. I'm not heartless enough, obviously not as heartless as him.

the blog read like this:

i never intended to write deeply important shit about myself on here, but i feel this is the only way i will my make my voice heard with one shot.

a few days ago someone literally threw me into the bin, closed the lid and walked away. in a sense, i should’ve been disgusted…but i’m not. i’ll put it this way; my toy fell apart before i could throw it away.
a melting ice cream or a bit of fun you could say.
i fucked you around, i pissed you off whenever i pleased, i made you happy whenever i pleased, i gave you false hope when i knew you never stood a chance. i fucked around with your mind and i enjoyed it so so much and it took you so long to realise. why i even saw you or even called you my friend is something i still don’t understand, because you are worthless.
enjoy your shitty life, everyone is starting to hate you. you’re scum that no-one cares about.

some of those lines will come into some lyrics i’m writing for a new music project. but they all having meaning with effect.'

Lets start at the beggining.

'a few days ago someone literally threw me into the bin, closed the lid and walked away. in a sense,' - You make it sound worse than it was. I was saving my own skin from being totured by your horrible attitudes anymore. I had enough of it and didnt want to deal with it.

'i should’ve been disgusted…but i’m not.' - This whole blog might not show that you were disgusted, but it obviously shows you cared enough and were pissed off enough to write a blog about it. Even more evidence, I hadnt spoken to you for two day preivious and you'd writte 'gem stop ignoring me' on one of your other blogs.

'i fucked you around, i pissed you off whenever i pleased, i made you happy whenever i pleased, i gave you false hope when i knew you never stood a chance. i fucked around with your mind and i enjoyed it so so much and it took you so long to realise.' - This all true, but what did you gain from this... nothing. I gained everything I wanted from this. what you dont realise is that it was always in my hands. I never tried that hard with you to get exactly what I wanted. I could have walked away any time I wanted and you still would have been as vexed as this blog shows you are now. sure it took me a while to click that you were just the worst person i've possibly ever met but i did realise and it pissed you off so much that I finally did something about it.

'why i even saw you or even called you my friend is something i still don’t understand, because you are worthless.' - yes but you did genuinly think I was such a good mate of yours. You once even valued me as one of your best mates, which must hurt knowing that I never held you so close to me. You never came any higher than the people I already knew were my life, but I once came higher than yours. How much must your friend life suck.

'enjoy your shitty life, everyone is starting to hate you. you’re scum that no-one cares about.' - No one but you is starting to hate me... I can pull out soo many names of people that care about me. I have no idea where you plucked this bullshit from.

'some of those lines will come into some lyrics i’m writing for a new music project.' - THIS MAKES ME LAUGH!

About Me

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Run's House, United Kingdom
Hi !